I have a bz2 compressed binary (big endian) file containing an array of data. Uncompressing it with external tools and then reading the file in to Numpy works:
import numpy as np
dim = 3
rows = 1000
cols = 2000
mydata = np.fromfile('myfile.bin').reshape(dim,rows,cols)
However, since there are plenty of other files like this I cannot extract each one individually beforehand. Thus, I found the bz2 module in Python which might be able to directly decompress it in Python. However I get an error message:
dfile = bz2.BZ2File('myfile.bz2').read()
mydata = np.fromfile(dfile).reshape(dim,rows,cols)
>>IOError: first argument must be an open file
Obviously, the BZ2File function does not return a file object. Do you know what is the correct way read the compressed file?
does return a file-like object (although not an actual file). The problem is that you're calling read()
on it:
dfile = bz2.BZ2File('myfile.bz2').read()
This reads the entire file into memory as one big string, which you then pass to fromfile
Depending on your versions of numpy
and python
and your platform, reading from a file-like object that isn't an actual file may not work. In that case, you can use the buffer you read in with frombuffer
So, either this:
dfile = bz2.BZ2File('myfile.bz2')
mydata = np.fromfile(dfile).reshape(dim,rows,cols)
… or this:
dbuf = bz2.BZ2File('myfile.bz2').read()
mydata = np.frombuffer(dbuf).reshape(dim,rows,cols)
(Needless to say, there are a slew of other alternatives that might be better than reading the whole buffer into memory. But if your file isn't too huge, this will work.)