i hv a code that need me to find only a single line of recordset from the database into the variable.
dim Connect,conn_,data,sql
Set Connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Connect.Open "toServer"
sql = "SELECT * from sppro where proj_name='pname'"
set Data = Connect.Execute(sql)
response.write data("proj_id")
i just cant find to correct way to retrieve and view single record set... i found something about cursor, but i dont understand it at all... can anyone pls explain to me?
error tht i got with this code is as below.
ADODB.Field error '80020009'
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.
/bkpi-msn/Include/ServerSideAjax.asp, line 0
If I understand correctly you already know how to display one record from a database, but now you want to display more than one record. Is that right?
With some changes to your code, you can loop though all records:
dim Connect,conn_,data,sql
Set Connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Connect.Open "toServer"
sql = "SELECT * from sppro where proj_name='pname'"
set Data = Connect.Execute(sql)
Do Until Data.Eof
response.write data("proj_id")
Edit: to retrieve just one row, you can use the following. It's basically the same, except there is a check to ensure there is at least one record, and no need to loop through the recordset.
dim Connect,conn_,data,sql
Set Connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Connect.Open "toServer"
sql = "SELECT * from sppro where proj_name='pname'"
set Data = Connect.Execute(sql)
If Not Data.Eof Then
response.write data("proj_id")
End If