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AS3 How to dispatch timer event to another class?

I am trying to dispatch event every second from Mytimer class and catch the event from Main class. I've declared variable "sus" as integer = 10. I have nothing so far, no output, nothing. Some help please!

This is

    private function onUpdateTime(event:Event):void

        dispatchEvent(new Event("tickTack", true));
        //Stop timer when it reaches 0
        if (nCount == 0)
            _timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onUpdateTime);
            //Do something

And in I have:

    public function Main()
        // constructor code
        _timer = new MyTimer  ;
        stage.addEventListener("tickTack", ontickTack);

    function ontickTack(e:Event)


  • In your, you have added the listener to the stage, not your timer. This line:

    stage.addEventListener("tickTack", ontickTack);

    should be like this:

    _timer.addEventListener("tickTack", ontickTack);

    But ActionScript already has a Timer class that looks like it has all the functionality you need. No need to reinvent the wheel. Take a look at the documentation for the Timer class.

    In your main you could just say:

    var count:int = 10; // the number of times the timer will repeat.
    _timer = new Timer(1000, count); // Creates timer of one second, with repeat.
    _timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, handleTimerTimer);
    _timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, handleTimerTimerComplete);

    Then just add your handler methods. You don't need to use both. Often the TIMER event is enough. Something like this:

    private function handleTimerTimerComplete(e:TimerEvent):void 
        // Fires each time the timer reaches the interval.
    private function handleTimerTimer(e:TimerEvent):void 
        // Fired when all repeat have finished.