I am trying to convert C code into Y86 assembly code.
What happens if you have multiple array declarations such as:
int a[100], b[100];
Suppose every integer is 4 bytes. How do you know where in memory to point for the pos. directives so that you do not waste any space?
<Assembly code begins here>
# Array initialization begins here
.pos ?
.long 0
.pos ?
.long 0
Let the assembler worry about the offsets.
One possibility is to define a struct that contains local variables
struc Locals
a dd ? dup 100
b dd ? dup 100
ends Locals
sub esp, sizeof Locals ;; or perhaps sizeof struc Locals
mov ebp, esp ;; take a copy of stack ptr
mov eax, [ebp + offset a] ;;
mov ebx, [ebp + offset b] ;;
In gcc the meaning of 'struct' is to modify the absolute position of current segment without introducing linkable code:
.file "temp.c"
.struct 0
a: .struct a + 4*100
b: .struct b + 4*100
c: ;; c will contain expression for the size
.struct 0 ;; you can start a new struct here
a2: .struct a2 + 4 ;; this struct would be 'int a2;'
b2: .struct b2 + 8 ;; 'double b2'
c2: ;; sizeof struct #2
sub c, %rsp
mov $13, a(%rsp) ;; a[0] = 13
mov $2, b(%rsp) ;; b[0] = 2