I am currently creating a website with tabs.
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/16/chosentab.png/ (It wont let me embed the image)
As you can see, there is a tab, called classPvP that is selected, and it is done so by adding a "selected" in the tag's class. However, this website is going to be like a wiki, and as such have many different pages, and I don't want to have to create a seperate 'template' (if you will) for every page with a different selected tab, because then updating or changing something across all those templates would be very difficult.
I am trying to use this code to add in the desired class when you have chosen a tab:
//Defining the variables
if ($a=="classpvp"){
echo "selected";
} else {
echo $a;
} ?>
With the CMS (MODx) I'm using, [[*menutitle]] is replaced by whatever tab I want to have'selected'. However, for some reason, the if statement is not being run, but the echo is outputting that the value of $a is classpvp .
This is seriously confusing me, as to why the if statement isn't being run, yet the value is correct - Am I storing something poorly? (Sorry, I'm very new to PHP)
(Keeping in mind that [[TabSelectClassPvP]] is replaced with the php code) When used var_dump($a) (as suggested), the class turns from :
<li class="navTab [[TabSelectClassPvP]]">
<li class="navTab string(14) " classpvp"="">
The exact php code being run is:
//Defining the variables
if ($a=="classpvp"){
echo "selected";
} else {
echo $a;
Thanks, Muffinjello
P.S. - I'm open to new ways of doing this, maybe something that retrieves information from an HTML ID?
use the WAyFinder package for your menus, it will automatically place the 'active' rule in your class attribute. http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/Wayfinder if you want to use something different the &hereClass is the c=value you want to specify in your WayFinder call.
if you want to use the menutitle of the current resource in your snippet there are 2 ways to do it, pass it in from the snippet call:
<li class="navTab [[!TabSelectClassPvP? &a='[[*menutitle]]']]">
And your snippet looks like:
// Defining the variables
// $a="[[*menutitle]]";
// var_dump($a);
if ($a=="classpvp"){
echo "selected";
} else {
echo $a;
[you probably should check to see if $a has been passed]
or you can query the current page directly in your snippet:
// Defining the variables
// $a="[[*menutitle]]";
// var_dump($a);
$a = $modx->resource->get('menutitle');
if ($a=="classpvp"){
echo "selected";
} else {
echo $a;
As the modx object always assumes 'the current resource' you can grab any of the resource fields o TVs in your snippets like that.