I've installed the DoctrineMigrationsBundle to my Symfony2 app, however when I try to deploy to my development server I'm getting the following error:
Do you really want to migrate dev's database? (y/N)
* executing "sh -c ' cd /var/www/vhosts/xyz.co.uk/releases/20130413181722 && php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --env=dev --no-interaction'"
servers: ["x.xx.xx.xxx"]
[x.xx.xx.xxx] executing command
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx]
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx] Application Migrations
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx]
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx]
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx] Migrating up to 0 from 0
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx]
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx]
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx]
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx] [Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\MigrationException]
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx] Could not find any migrations to execute.
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx]
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx]
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx]
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx] doctrine:migrations:migrate [--write-sql] [--dry-run] [--configuration[="..."]] [--db-configuration[="..."]] [--em[="..."]] [version]
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx]
** [out :: x.xx.xx.xxx]
command finished in 802ms
*** [symfony:doctrine:migrations:migrate] rolling back
Do you really want to migrate dev's database back to version 0? (y/N)
Any idea what's causing this?
Here is my deploy.rb file:
set :stage_dir, 'app/config/deploy'
set :stages, %w(production staging development)
require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'
set :application, "xyz.co.uk"
set :user, "deployer" # The server's user for deploys
set :normalize_asset_timestamps, false
set :repository, "git@github.xyz/xyz.co.uk.git"
set :scm, :git
set :keep_releases, 3
after "deploy:update", "deploy:cleanup"
set :use_sudo, false
set :web_path, "web"
set :shared_files, ["app/config/parameters.yml"]
set :shared_children, [app_path + "/logs", web_path + "/uploads"]
set :use_composer, true
set :update_vendors, true
set :dump_assetic_assets, true
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
#logger.level = Logger::MAX_LEVEL
before "symfony:cache:warmup", "symfony:doctrine:migrations:migrate"
after "deploy:update_code" do
capifony_pretty_print "--> Ensuring cache directory permissions"
run "setfacl -R -m u:www-data:rwX -m u:`whoami`:rwX #{latest_release}/#{cache_path}"
run "setfacl -dR -m u:www-data:rwX -m u:`whoami`:rwX #{latest_release}/#{cache_path}"
The issue was because I hadn't commited the doctrine migration version files and pushed them to GitHub. Is this the correct process after making a change to an entity:
php app/console doctrine:migrations:diff
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
git add app/DoctrineMigrations/Version1234.php
git commit -a -m "migration"
git push origin develop
cap development deploy
It's not php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
but php app/console doctrine:migration:migrate
And you may use cap development deploy:migrations
in order to execute the migrations after the deployment.
Hope it's helpful. Best regard.