I'm attempting to either put the value from "room" as the key, and "acquity" as the value a dictionary or each time the code runs have the end value "acquity" assigned to a new variable (it needs to run 32 times for 32 rooms). I cannot figure this out, sorry very new to this, any help would be greatly appreciated.
def main():
while (var<33):
room=raw_input("Input patient room Number ")
##Lists and prints/input for Procedural acuity
print "1- No Procedures"
print "2- IV Starts, Foley Catheter"
print "3- Vitals, Neuro Check, Bladder Scans"
print "4- Bedside Procedure, Physician post-op, frequent catheterization"
a=raw_input("Input Procedural Acuity 1-4 ")
##Lists and prints/input for Nutritional acuity
print "1- Setup Self"
print "2- Ordering Assistance"
print "3- Feed"
print "4- Tubefeed, Aspiration Procedures"
b=raw_input("Input Nutritional Acuity 1-4 ")
##Lists and prints/input for Medication acuity
print "1- Minimal Oral"
print "2- Moderate PO/IV"
print "3- Dysphasia/Multi IV"
print "4- Chemo/GTUBE/Complex IV"
c=raw_input("Input Medication Acuity 1-4 ")
##Lists and prints/input for Mobility acuity
print "1- Ad lib"
print "2- Assist of SB"
print "3- Assist of 1"
print "4- Assist of 2"
d=raw_input("Input Mobility Acuity 1-4 ")
##Lists and prints/inputs for Behavioral Acuity
print "1- Calls Appropriately/No Needs"
print "2- Some Education/ Calls Often"
print "3- Anxious/ Calls Frequently"
print "4- New Diagnosis, Calls very frequently, highly anxious"
e=raw_input("Input Behavioral Acuity 1-4 ")
Acuity1= a+b+c+d+e
print "Patient in room %s, is graded at acuity %s"%(room, Acuity1)
var= var + 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
At the start of your main()
, let's change the name to get_roomnumbers_dict
def get_roomnumbers_dict():
d = {} # this line to initalize the dictionary
while (var<33):
At the end of your function:
Acuity1= a+b+c+d+e
print "Patient in room %s, is graded at acuity %s"%(room, Acuity1)
d[int(room)] = Acuity1 # saves to the dictionary
var= var + 1
# end of while loop here
return d # returns dictionary for someone to check acuity and room number
So then in your code you can simply have:
acquity_by_roomnumber = get_roomnumbers_dict() # and that gets the dictionary