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XQuery XmlSpy delete

I'm attempting to delete an XML node through XQuery using the in-build XQuery compiler in Altova XMLSpy.

xquery version "1.0" encoding "UTF-8";
for $customer in doc("Customers.xml")/dataroot/Customers
where $customer/CustomerID = "ALFKI"
return delete node $customer;

The issue is the compiler doesn't see 'delete node' as valid syntax, whereas it's defined here:

It complains with an error "Unexpected token node $customer".

Any ideas?


  • Remove the missplaced semicolon after $customer.

    xquery version "1.0" encoding "UTF-8";
    for $customer in doc("Customers.xml")/dataroot/Customers
    where $customer/CustomerID = "ALFKI"
    return delete node $customer (: here was the semicolon :)

    Otherwise, your XQuery is valid.