I have the following sample schema of 2 models OrderDetail and Item, many-to-one relationship:
invoice_id: { type: integer, notnull: true }
item_id: { type: integer, notnull: true }
quantity: { type: integer, notnull: true }
transaction_price: { type: integer }
currency: { type: string(50), default: peso }
Invoice: { type: one, local: invoice_id, foreign: invoice_id }
Item: { type: one, local: item_id , foreign: item_id }
fields: [item_id, invoice_id]
type: unique
actAs: { Timestampable: ~, SoftDelete: ~ }
item_id: { type: integer, autoincrement: true, primary: true }
item_name: { type: string(100), notnull: true }
description: { type: text, notnull: true }
part_number: { type: string(50) }
size: { type: string(50) }
unit: { type: string(10) }
in_stock: { type: integer, notnull: true }
in_transit: { type: integer, notnull: true }
released: { type: integer, notnull: true }
borrowed: { type: integer, notnull: true }
borrower_name: { type: string }
item_type_id: { type: integer, notnull: true }
OrderDetails: { type: many, class: OrderDetail, local: item_id, foreign: item_id }
Prices: { type: many, class: Price, local: item_id, foreign: item_id }
In my form, I want to include information from the Item table such as item_name
and in_stock
What I simply want to do is that I want to display data from the Item table that is related to my form. I want to include this information in my form object for clarity and organization. I want to be able to do something like this in my form:
echo $form[$number]['Item']['part_number']->getValue()
// where $number is the index of the OrderDetail in the form and key 'Item' contains data for the Item related to this OrderDetail.
I tried embedding the Item relation in the OrderDetail such as:
class OrderDetailForm extends BaseOrderDetailForm {
public function configure() {
// some config here...
The problem with this is when I save the form, the Item object is being validated and saved as well. I simply am using that information for display purposes. Here is a rough sample of how I want the form to be and what I wish to do:
OrderDetail: 1
Item: Headset
In Stock: 5pcs
Quantity: [input field here that can be changed by the user]
If there is anything unclear, please let me know. Also, if you can suggest a better approach, I'd really appreciate it.
If the OrderDetailForms are embedded inside the InvoiceForm and you want to access the Item object from these. Then I'd suggest you use something like this in your template:
// apps\myApp\modules\myModule\templates\editSuccess.php
$orderDetailForms = $invoiceForm->getEmbeddedForms();
foreach ($orderDetailForms as $key => $form) {
$item = $form->getObject()->getItem();
echo 'Item name: ' . $item->getItemName() . '<br />';
echo 'In stock: ' . $item->getInStock() . '<br />';
echo $form;
The thing to do here, is make sure your Item object is retrieved along with the OrderDetail objects when you do your query. Because that line ($form->getObject()->getItem()) would effectively perform a database query each time.