Is there a way to get the data out of a div-container with ScraperWiki? I've got a line of HTML that is something like:
<div id="karte_data_aktuelle_temperatur___CHA" class="karte_text_hidden">
<span style="font-size: 10px;">9.0</span>
and I would like to scrape the ...CHA
and 9.0
The value (9.0) isn't a problem, since that can be done by CSS selectors, but how can I get the ...CHA
I realize that this isn't scraperwiki, but BeautifulSoup, check it out anyways.
html = r"""<div id="karte_data_aktuelle_temperatur___CHA" class="karte_text_hidden">
<span style="font-size: 10px;">9.0</span>
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
elem = soup.find('div')
print elem['id'], 'is the id'
print elem.text, 'is the value' #9.0