I have done an ordinary least squared with an excel data set. Now I want to test α against the value of 0 and β against the value of 1 using an error probability of 0.05%.
How to do this in gretl?
I appreciate your answer!!!
I edit your post to add a gretl flag, hope we'll have more gretl users in SO too.
Now to answer to your question, you need to deal with general linear restriction in your model and computing the related F-test.
So to do it with gretl, you can do something like this using gretl scripting language hansl :
open murder_rates
ols executions const income lfp southern --quiet
end restrict
And we have the following result
## Restriction set
## 1: b[income] = 0
## 2: b[lfp] = 1
## Test statistic: F(2, 41) = 29633.7, with p-value = 1.6337e-65
## Restricted estimates:
## coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value
## ---------------------------------------------------------
## const -53.0056 0.370949 -142.9 3.29e-59 ***
## income 0.00000 0.00000 NA NA
## lfp 1.00000 0.00000 NA NA
## Standard error of the regression = 2.4606
If you want to do it with easily with R check the car
package (linearHypothesis