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Issues with MIPS jump

I'm still new to MIPS and I'm confused as to what is going wrong. Im testing in QTSpim. It's telling me "Unknown System Call:-1000". I'm a little confused as to whats going wrong. Im using -1000 in the console to jump into op to set my operand(building a simple integer calculator).

li $s7, 5   #Read a Character AS A INT and store in $s7

#Load values for each:
li $t0, 43 #Addition
li $t1, 45 #Subtraction
li $t2, 42 #Multiplication
li $t3, 47 #Division

#if $s7 is equal to any of these, then jump back to the main loop and wait for a second operand
beq $s7, $t0, loop #ADD
beq $s7, $t1, loop #SUB
beq $s7, $t2, loop #MULTI
beq $s7, $t3, loop #DIV

la $a0, error #Load error message
j ra


  • Do you have a header that Qtspim should interpret Just as usual C code has the function main?

    Here is MIPS header.

    .globl main # Make main global so you can refer to
    # it by name in QtSPIM.
    .text # This line tells the computer this is the
    # text section of the program
    # (No data contained here).
    main: # Program actually starts here.
    // your code
    ori $v0, $0, 10 # Sets $v0 to "10" so when syscall is executed, program will exit.
    syscall # Exit.

    So, your code should be:

    .globl main # Make main global so you can refer to
    # it by name in QtSPIM.
    .text # This line tells the computer this is the
    # text section of the program
    # (No data contained here).
    main: # Program actually starts here.
    li $s7, 5   #Read a Character AS A INT and store in $s7
    #Load values for each:
    li $t0, 43 #Addition
    li $t1, 45 #Subtraction
    li $t2, 42 #Multiplication
    li $t3, 47 #Division
    #if $s7 is equal to any of these, then jump back to the main loop and wait for a second operand
    beq $s7, $t0, loop #ADD
    beq $s7, $t1, loop #SUB
    beq $s7, $t2, loop #MULTI
    beq $s7, $t3, loop #DIV
    la $a0, error #Load error message
    j ra
    ori $v0, $0, 10 # Sets $v0 to "10" so when syscall is executed, program will exit.
    syscall # Exit.