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Razor escape colon inline

How do I escape colon in my razor code?

This is my issue:

@count@:: @item.Title - @item.Link - @item.Price

Which is causing an error after the @count variable. How am I able to use the colon next to my count?

It should render like this:

1: Title - Link - Price

** UPDATE **

My codeblock

    int count = 0;
    foreach (var item in Model.Wishes) {
        @count@:: @item.Title - @item.Link - @item.Price
        <br />


  • You need to wrap your display part of the code in <text> tags. The colon does not need to be escaped.

        int count = 0;
        foreach (var item in Model.Wishes) {
            @count: @item.Title - @item.Link - @item.Price
            <br />

    The <text> tag is an element that is treated specially by Razor. It causes Razor to interpret the inner contents of the <text> block as content, and to not render the containing <text> tag element (meaning only the inner contents of the <text> element will be rendered – the tag itself will not). This makes it convenient when you want to render multi-line content blocks that are not wrapped by an HTML element.

    Use the @: operator or the <text> element. The @: outputs a single line of content containing plain text or unmatched HTML tags; the <text> element encloses multiple lines to output. These options are useful when you don't want to render an HTML element as part of the output.