I have a dataset with about 100000 points and another dataset with roughly 3000 polygons. For each of the points I need to find the nearest polygon (spatial match). Points inside a polygon should match to that polygon.
Computing all-pairs distances is feasible, but takes a bit longer than necessary. Is there an R package that will make use of a spatial index for this kind of matching problem?
I am aware of the sp
package and the over
function, but the documentation doesn't tell anything about indexes.
You could try and use the gDistance
function in the rgeos
package for this. As an example look at the below example, which I reworked from this old thread. Hope it helps.
require( rgeos )
require( sp )
# Make some polygons
grd <- GridTopology(c(1,1), c(1,1), c(10,10))
polys <- as.SpatialPolygons.GridTopology(grd)
# Make some points and label with letter ID
set.seed( 1091 )
pts = matrix( runif( 20 , 1 , 10 ) , ncol = 2 )
sp_pts <- SpatialPoints( pts )
row.names(pts) <- letters[1:10]
# Plot
plot( polys )
text( pts , labels = row.names( pts ) , col = 2 , cex = 2 )
text( coordinates(polys) , labels = row.names( polys ) , col = "#313131" , cex = 0.75 )
# Find which polygon each point is nearest
cbind( row.names( pts ) , apply( gDistance( sp_pts , polys , byid = TRUE ) , 2 , which.min ) )
# [,1] [,2]
#1 "a" "86"
#2 "b" "54"
#3 "c" "12"
#4 "d" "13"
#5 "e" "78"
#6 "f" "25"
#7 "g" "36"
#8 "h" "62"
#9 "i" "40"
#10 "j" "55"