Let's suppose I've got an image which shows its source in a scaled way, how could i use a MouseMove event to show in a label or textblock the pixel position in which the cursor is?
(I need the pixel coordinates not the coordinates of the image relative to its size)
Thanks in advance.
You can find out the actual pixel height and width from the ImageSource.
ImageSource imageSource = image.Source;
BitmapImage bitmapImage = (BitmapImage) imageSource ;
Now since you got the image displayed in Image control. You can easily map the mouse position to the Pixel scale.
pixelMousePositionX = e.GetPosition(image).X * bitmapImage.PixelWidth/image.Width;
pixelMousePositionY = e.GetPosition(image).Y * bitmapImage.PixelHeight/image.Height;
Have fun