i am new to android and cocos2d for android .. i found the api at an unknown site
first question is cocos2d officially available for android second i am having trouble with displaying animations please help
i have images name "download (1).gif" too "download (8).gif" in the assets folder and here is my code
the app crashes right after opening
public void addAnimation() {
CCSprite addboxPuzzleOpen = CCSprite.sprite("download (1).gif");
CCAnimation OpenPuzzleAnim = CCAnimation.animation("", 0.2f);
for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
OpenPuzzleAnim.addFrame(CCSpriteFrameCache.sharedSpriteFrameCache().spriteFrameByName("download ("+i+").gif"));
CCAction OpenPuzzleAction = CCAnimate.action(2, OpenPuzzleAnim, true);
just change your image name like : download_00.gif to download_08.gif
replace this line :
OpenPuzzleAnim.addFrame(CCSpriteFrameCache.sharedSpriteFrameCache().spriteFrameByName("download ("+i+").gif")); to ...
OpenPuzzleAnim.addFrame(String.format("download_%02d.png", i));
If its not work fine then change the format of the gif to png or jpg for the anomation effect ... njoy