Currently I have a requirement in a system where I need to repeat much of the data from the last row entered. Actualy this is my Grid:
colNames: ['VendedorId', 'Vendedor', 'Especie', 'Cabezas', 'Kilos', 'Precio', 'Guías Venta', 'Vencimiento'],
colModel: [
{ hidden: true, name: 'VendedorId' },
{ editable: true, width: 160, edittype: 'select', editoptions: { dataUrl: '/Clientes/CmbClientes' }, editrules: { required: true }, name: 'Vendedor' },
{ editable: true, width: 70, edittype: 'select', editoptions: { dataUrl: '/Especies/CmbEspecie' }, editrules: { required: true }, name: 'Especie' },
{ align: 'right', width: 50, editable: true, editoptions: { size: 3, maxlength: 3 }, editrules: { number: true }, formatter: 'number', formatoptions: { decimalPlaces: 0 }, name: 'Cabezas' },
{ align: 'right', width: 50, editable: true, editrules: { number: true }, formatter: 'number', formatoptions: { decimalPlaces: 0 }, name: 'Kilos' },
{ align: 'right', width: 50, editable: true, editrules: { number: true, required: true }, formatter: 'currency', formatoptions: { prefix: '$',decimalPlaces: 2 }, name: 'Precio' },
{ editable: true, width: 50, editoptions: { maxlength: 20 }, name: 'GuiasVenta' },
{ align: 'right', width: 70, editable: true, editoptions: { size: 3, maxlength: 3 }, editrules: { number: true, required: true }, formatter: 'number', formatoptions: { decimalPlaces: 0 }, name: 'Vencimiento' }
url: '@Url.Action("ListVendedores")',
datatype: 'json',
editurl: '@Url.Action("SaveVendedor")',
mtype: 'POST',
pager: '#vendedoresPager',
prmNames: { id: 'RemateId' },
rowList: [5, 10, 15, 20],
sortname: 'FeriaId',
viewrecords: true,
width: 850
}).jqGrid('navGrid', '#vendedoresPager', { add: false, edit: false, del:true ), search: false },{},{},{ url: '/Remates/BorrarVendedor' }).
jqGrid('inlineNav', '#vendedoresPager',
add : true,
edit : true,
save : true,
addParams: {
addRowParams: {
position: "afterSelected",
keys: true,
extraparam: {
editParams: {
keys: true,
extraparam: {
When adding the first row no default data, but then fields Vendedor, Especie, Guías Venta and Vencimiento should repeat the last entered.
In this scenario I imagine two possible solutions, one is using the event jqGridInlineEditRow, and the other is using autocomplete. Have read this Question about qGridInlineEditRow. But in this case as I can get the data from the last row of the grid and how it should load the data into the new row. And read this Question about autocomplete.
Maybe there other solutions that can read to get a better approximation to the solution.
Can anyone help?
update 15/04/2013
i replace the Add button for a custom button this is the code:
$("#Agregar").click(function () {
var parameters =
initdata: {},
position: "first",
useDefValues: true,
useFormatter: false,
addRowParams: {
keys: true,
extraparam: {
aftersavefunc: function (rowid) {
var grid = jQuery('#vendedores');
lastSavedAddData = grid.jqGrid("getRowData", rowid);
oneditfunc: function (rowid) {
var name;
var grid = jQuery('#vendedores');
for (name in lastSavedAddData) {
if (lastSavedAddData.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
$('#' + rowid +"_"+ name).val(lastSavedAddData[name]);
jQuery("#vendedores").jqGrid('addRow', parameters);
But this work only for text box but not for a combo
If I understand correctly your question the usage of jQuery UI Autocomplete is independent from initial filling of the input fields of the last added line during starting the next like to add.
It seems to me that you can save data saved in the last added line inside of aftersavefunc
callback defined in addRowParams
(or use jqGridInlineAfterSaveRow
event alternatively). You can use oneditfunc
to set the last entered values in the new like. For example you can use
addRowParams: {
position: "afterSelected",
keys: true,
extraparam: {
aftersavefunc: function (rowid) {
lastSavedAddData = $(this).jqGrid("getRowData", rowid);
oneditfunc: function (rowid) {
var name;
for (name in lastSavedAddData) {
if (lastSavedAddData.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
$("#" + $.jgrid.jqID(rowid + "_" + name)).val(lastSavedAddData[name]);
where lastSavedAddData
should be defined in some outer scope. It's not tested code. I just wanted to show the main idea. You can extend the code of oneditfunc
to support more different controls which you use in editing line.