I'm using armadillo for a project, and in general it's been working well. The project is Xcode based, and so far the only way I've managed to get it working is with (adding a header search path of /usr/include/ doesn't seem to work):
#include "/usr/include/armadillo"
Well now I'm trying to do some matrix multiplications for the first time, and I've done the simplest thing I could think of to make sure there's no other cause.
mat aa = eye(3,3)*eye(3,3);
but this gives me the linker error:
*"_wrapper_dgemm_", referenced from:
void arma::blas::gemm<double>(char const*, char const*, int const*, int const*, int const*, double const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, int const*, double const*, double*, int const*)in DynamicGridPoint.o
Anyone know what could be causing this? The examples (which include matrix multiplication) compile just fine from the command line, so I assume this is to do with my xcode setup
so I've tried to link to the run time library by including -larmadillo in the project's 'Other Linker Flags', and adding '/usr/lib' to the Header and Library search paths, but I get the link error: 'ld: library not found for -larmadillo'
any thoughts on why this could be happening?
/usr/lib contains the following (relevant) files:
You're not linking against the armadillo run-time library (eg. -larmadillo).
To fix this, either configure Xcode to link with the armadillo run-time library, or edit Armadillo's configuration so that it doesn't use its run-time library.
The latter is done via editing "include/armadillo_bits/config.hpp" and commenting out ARMA_USE_WRAPPER. You will then need to link against lapack and blas directly (eg. -llapack -lblas), or use the Accelerate framework (eg. -framework Accelerate).