i made code to format number when total lengh is == 11, it run on texbox change, but only format when it have 11 characters, i would like to make it on runtime (live), understood ? Its possible ? See my code:
private void textBox3_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Int64 cpf = Convert.ToInt64(textBox3.Text);
if (textBox3.TextLength == 11)
textBox3.Text = string.Format(@"{0:000\.000\.000-00}", Convert.ToInt64(cpf));
As lazyberezovsky stated, use a masked textbox, but set the PromptChar to whatever you want. Something along the lines of:
//In your form_load
//Based on your code above, assuming textBox3 is a MaskedTextbox
textBox3.KeyUp += CheckEvent()
textBox3.Mask = "000000000000";
textBox3.PromptChar = 'x'; //set this to a space or whatever you want ' ' for blank!
//check AFTER every key press
private void CheckEvent(object Sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if(textBox3.Text.Count() < 12)
//change the textboxMask when all chars present
maskedTextBox1.Mask = "0:000.000.000-00";