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Getting invalid Authtoken for gmail login?

In my android application I have created a gmail login.The user can login with the gmail credentials already in the phone.The problem is that I am not getting a valid token in android Gingerbread os.But in the case of ICS and Jelly Bean, I am getting the correct token. I have tested this in about 5 devices.

For checking the validity of the token I used this link


  • Finally i solved it.The problem is that the token is not getting updated. So for that when ever accessing a token using getAuthtoken

        String authToken=accountManager.getAuthToken(account, SCOPE, false,
                    new OnTokenAcquired(), null);

    the authToken should be validated using


    Then again after this you should call

    String authTokenNew=accountManager.getAuthToken(account, SCOPE, false, new OnTokenAcquired(), null);

    This will be a valied token. You can check the validity of the token from this LINK