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With FPPopoverController every time I exit the view with the popover, it NSLogs "FPPopover dealloc", how can I stop this?

It seems in the file:

At that line it says if the debug option is set to announce it. I don't want it set, nor do I remember setting it. If that's the reason, how do I unset debug? If it's not, how do I make it stop saying that.


  • The easiest approach to avoiding the NSLog message is to simply comment it out.

    As to your question either some header file or the compilation command is defining FP_DEBUG. Search the header files, find FP_DEBUG and unset it (comment it out or use #undef). If it isn't in a header file, look at the targets build settings (select the target, click 'build settings', search for FP_DEBUG. If you find it, like in 'Other C Flags', remove it.