I have stored xts objects inside an environment. Can I subset these objects while they are stored in an environment, i.e. act upon them "in-place"? Can I extract these objects by referring to their colname?
Below an example of what I'm getting at.
# environment in which to store data
data <- new.env()
# Set data tickers of interest
tickers <- c("FEDFUNDS", "GDPPOT", "DGS10")
# import data from FRED database
dta <- getSymbols( tickers
, src = "FRED"
, env = data
, adjust = TRUE
This, however, downloads the entire dataset. Now, I want to discard some data, save it, use it (e.g. plot it). I want to keep the data within this date range:
# set dates of interest
date.start <- "2012-01-01"
date.end <- "2012-12-31"
I have two distinct objectives.
Here are some things I did manage to do:
# extract and subset a single xts object
dtx1 <- data$FEDFUNDS
dtx1 <- dtx1[paste(date.start,date.end,sep="/")]
The drawback of this approach is that I need to type FEDFUNDS explicitly after data$. But I'd like to work from a prespecified list of tickers, e.g.
tickers2 <- c("FEDFUNDS", "DGS10")
I have got one step closer to being systematic by combining the function get with the function lapply
# extract xts objects as a list
dtxl <- lapply(tickers, get, envir = data)
But this returns a list. And I'm not sure how to conveniently work with this list to subset the data, plot it, etc. How do I refer to, say, DGS10 or the pair of tickers in tickers2?
I very much wanted to write something like data$tickers[1] or data$tickers[[1]] but that didn't work. I also tried paste0('data','$',tickers[1]) and variations of it with or without quotes. At any rate, I believe that the order of the data inside an environment is not systematic, so I'd really prefer to use the ticker's name rather than its index, something like data$tickers[colnames = FEDFUNDS] None of the attempts in this paragraph have worked.
If my question is unclear, I apologize, but please do request clarification. And thanks for your attention!
EDIT: Subsetting
I've received some fantastic suggestions. GSee's answer has several very useful tricks. Here's how to subset the xts objects to within a date interval of interest:
dates <- paste(date.start, date.end, sep="/")
as.environment(eapply(data, "[", dates))
This will subset every object in an environment, and return an environment with the subsetted data:
data2 <- as.environment(eapply(data, "[", paste(date.start, date.end, sep="/")))
You can do basically the same thing for your second question. Just, name the components of the list that lapply
returns by wrapping it with setNames
, then coerce to an environment:
data3 <- as.environment(setNames(lapply(tickers, get, envir = data), tickers))
Or, better yet, use mget
so that you don't have to use lapply
or setNames
data3 <- as.environment(mget(tickers, envir = data))
Alternatively I actually have a couple convenience functions in qmao
designed specifically for this: gaa
stands for "get, apply, assign" and gsa
stands for "get, subset, assign".
To, get data for some tickers, subset the data, and then assign into an environment
gsa(tickers, subset=paste(date.start, date.end, sep="/"), env=data,
lets you apply any function to each object before saving in the same or different environment.