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Magento Module SugarCRM Integration

I have created a module. here is my config.xml:


Then, my class: 'Observer.php' inside Company_Module_Model:


class Empresam_SugarIntegration_Model_Observer {

    public function sendtosugar($observer) {

        $customer = $observer->getEvent();       

            $options = array(
                "location" => '...',
                "uri" => '',
                "trace" => 1
            $user_auth = array(
                "user_name" => '...',
                "password" => MD5('...'),
                "version" => '4.1'
            $client = new SoapClient(Null, $options);
            $response = $client->login($user_auth, 'test');
            $session_id = $response->id;

            // Mapping...
            $response = $client->set_entry($session_id, 'Leads', array(
                array("name" => 'first_name', "value" => $customer->getFirstName()),
                array("name" => 'last_name', "value" => $customer->getLastName()),
                array("name" => 'email', "value" => $customer->getEmail()),
                array("name" => 'account_name', "value" => $customer->getFirstName() . $customer->getLastname())
            Mage::log($customer->getFirstName() . $customer->getLastname());

        return $this;


The event i'll looking to dispatch is this in: Mage_Customer_AccountController, function createPostAction:

                        array('account_controller' => $this, 'customer' => $customer)

My problem is, i'm getting empty leads on SugarCRM, and from what i see from this call:

Mage::log($customer->getFirstName() . $customer->getLastname());

The strings i'm getting are empty. Any idea why?


  • $customer = $observer->getEvent();

    should be

    $customer = $observer->getCustomer(); // or getEvent()->getCustomer();