I'm trying to integrate a system with Magento, I would like a way to send the coupon code, current user and cart to Magento and retrieve the according discount (if applies), so I don't have to replicate all the logic behind coupon validation.
I would really appreciate it.
I managed to do the following.
$customerId = 1;
$couponCode = "TESTCOUPON";
$json = "{
$jsonDecoded = json_decode($json);
$products = $jsonDecoded->cart[0]->listProduct;
// *********************************************************
$customerObj = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($customerId);
$storeId = $customerObj->getStoreId();
$quoteObj = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->assignCustomer($customerObj);
$storeObj = $quoteObj->getStore()->load($storeId);
foreach ($products as $singleProduct) {
$productObj = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
echo $productObj->getName();
echo $productObj->getPrice();
$quoteItem = $quoteObj->addProduct($productObj);
} catch (exception $e) {
echo "error creating quote item ";
catch(exception $e){
return "error setting coupon";
And the output:
["customer_id"] = > "1"
["customer_prefix"] = > NULL
["customer_firstname"] = > "xxxxxx"
["customer_middlename"] = > NULL
["customer_lastname"] = > "xxxxxxx"
["customer_suffix"] = > NULL
["customer_email"] = > "xxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com"
["customer_dob"] = > "1981-03-06 00:00:00"
["customer_taxvat"] = > NULL
["customer_gender"] = > "1"
["customer_group_id"] = > "1"
["customer_tax_class_id"] = > "3"
["store_id"] = > "1"
["coupon_code"] = > "TESTCOUPON"
["subtotal"] = > float(872.06)
["base_subtotal"] = > float(872.06)
["subtotal_with_discount"] = > float(830.92)
["base_subtotal_with_discount"] = > float(830.92)
["grand_total"] = > float(929.64)
["base_grand_total"] = > float(929.64)
["applied_rule_ids"] = > "1"
["virtual_items_qty"] = > int(0)
["taxes_for_items"] = > {
[""] = > {
[0] = > {
["rates"] = > {
[0] = > {
["code"] = > "IVA"
["title"] = > "IVA"
["percent"] = > float(12)
["position"] = > "1"
["priority"] = > "1"
["rule_id"] = > "1"
}["percent"] = > float(12)
["id"] = > "IVA"
}["items_count"] = > int(2)
["items_qty"] = > float(2)
["trigger_recollect"] = > int(0)
["can_apply_msrp"] = > bool(false)
["totals_collected_flag"] = > bool(true)
The coupon discount is supposed to be a 5% discount.
For some reason the prices are not correct. That product price is 516.00 and the subtotal in the output states 872.06. Also there's only one item and the output states 2 items. Am I doing something wrong?
Silly me, it seems I was adding the products to the quote the wrong way. This is the way it works now:
$quoteItem = Mage::getModel('sales/quote_item');