Is there a way to pass additional variables to a method handler subroutine? I generally dislike using global variables outside the subroutine's scope. I have things like database connection and class instances which I would like the handlers to have access to, without using globals. Using debug to console, looks like @_ is empty for each handler call.
use strict;
use Dancer;
use Data::Dumper;
set('logger' => 'console');
my $somevar = SomeClass->new();
get('/' => sub{
return('hello world');
One way is to use the vars
hash that Dancer provides. Here I use a before hook to set up a database handle:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Dancer;
use DBI;
hook 'before' => sub {
var dbh => DBI->connect_cached(...);
get '/' => sub {
my $qry = vars->{dbh}->prepare("SQL");
return "Something, something, query results";