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Exception when modifying bucket writing access level with Kii Cloud SDK

I'm testing Kii Cloud mobile backend as a service (MBaaS) in an Android application. I'm trying to create an object in an application level bucket before any user authentication takes place. For that I want to modify the app bucket to allow anonymous users to write to it:

        Kii.initialize("my_app_id", "my_app_key", Kii.Site.US);

        KiiBucket bucket = Kii.bucket("app_status");

        KiiACL ubACL = bucket.acl();
        ubACL.putACLEntry(new KiiACLEntry(KiiAnonymousUser.create(), KiiACL.BucketAction.CREATE_OBJECTS_IN_BUCKET, true)); KiiACLCallBack() {
            public void onSaveCompleted(int token, KiiACL acl, Exception exception) {
                if (exception != null)
                    Toast.makeText(getInstance().getApplicationContext(), exception.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);

But I always get an exception when trying to save the ACL (onSaveCompleted() returns with an exception): Error: null
HTTP Response Status: 403
HTTP Response Body: {
  "errorCode" : "WRONG_TOKEN",
  "message" : "The provided token is not valid",
  "appID" : "bc4100c0",
  "accessToken" : "null",
  "suppressed" : [ ]

I'm passing my app_id and app_key correctly in the beginning (first line of sample code). Any ideas what could be causing this error? Thanks in advance for your answer.


  • Try replacing



    new KiiAnonymousUser()

    It seems the static create() method has been removed.
