I'm working on creating an AJAX powered RSS Feed. It is a single pane similar to Google Reader with a list of feeds on the left and the feed content on the right. When you click on any of the feeds this will trigger an ajax command (jquery's $.ajax()
) that will trigger the RSSFeed class's public getFeed($feed_url)
function (which in turn utilizes SimplePie to get the data needed.
This uses:
When the page loads, I am using the getFeed($feed_url);
to correctly get the data (this works):
<div class="row">
<div class="span7" id="feedBody">
This works as expected. Then a feed item may be clicked and that would trigger the following AJAX command (alerts are there for debugging purposes):
"use strict";
//Update the feed
$("a.feedName").click(function(e) {
var feedURL;
feedURL = $(this).attr("href");
$.ajax('model/RSSFeed.php', {
data: {url: feedURL},
beforeSend: function() {
$("#feedBody").html("<div class=\"alert alert-info span7\"><button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">×</button><strong>Loading Feed…</strong>");
cache: false,
success: function(result) {
error: function(result) {
Then model/RSSFeed.php
sees this request and should use the following to trigger getting the new content:
if (isset($_GET['url'])) {
$RSS = new RSSFeed();
} else if(isset($_POST['url'])) {
$RSS = new RSSFeed();
This calls my RSSFeed class which is as follows:
class RSSFeed {
//Get the feed at the $feed_url and echo it out to the browser for the ajax request to display
public function getFeed($feed_url) {
$feed = new SimplePie($feed_url);
foreach ($feed->get_items() as $item) {
$output = "<article>"
. "<h3><a href=\"" . $item->get_permalink() . "\" title=\"" . $item->get_title() . "\" class=\"articleTitle\">" . $item->get_title() . "</a></h3><p>";
if ($category = $item->get_category()) {
$output .= $category->get_label() . " ";
$output .= $item->get_date();
$output .= "</p><p>";
$output .= shorten($item->get_description(), 600) . "<br /><br />" . "<a href=\"" . $item->get_permalink() . "\" title=\"Read More\" class=\"btn btn-info\">Read More</a>";
$output .= "</p>";
echo $output;
}//end foreach($feed->get_items() as $item)
}//end getFeed($feed_url)
//Begin setting up to allow Google Reader takeout files to be imported into the database.
public function importRSSFeeds($xmlFile, $DB) {
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlFile);
foreach($xml as $feed) {
foreach($feed->outline as $thisFeed) {
if($thisFeed->outline['type'] == "rss") {
$DB->addFeedToDatabase($thisFeed['text'], $thisFeed['title'], "folder", "", "");
foreach($thisFeed->outline as $feeds) {
$DB->addFeedToDatabase($feeds['text'], $feeds['title'], $feeds['type'], $feeds['xmlUrl'], $feeds['htmlUrl']);
echo "<br /><br />";
} //end importRSSFeeds($xmlFile)
//Get the feeds from the database and display them on the left for the user.
public function getFeedList() {
$lastType = "";
$DB = new Database();
$result = $DB->returnFeedList();
foreach($result as $individualFeed) {
if($individualFeed['type'] == "folder") {
if ($lastType == "rss") {
echo "</ul></div>";
echo "<li><a href=\"#\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#" . str_replace(" ", "", $individualFeed['title']) ."\"><i class=\"icon-folder-close\"></i>" . $individualFeed['title'] . "</a></li>";
echo "<div class=\"collapse in\" id=\"" . str_replace(" ", "", $individualFeed['title']) . "\">";
echo "<ul class=\"nav nav-list\">";
} else if($individualFeed['type'] == "rss") {
echo "<li><a href=\"" . $individualFeed['xmlUrl'] . "\" class=\"feedName\">" . $individualFeed['title'] . "</a></li>";
$lastType = $individualFeed['type'];
}//end class RSSFeed
When checking the javascript alerts, it is triggering the success:
case but not returning the echo'd data. What piece am I missing to have the SimplePie class return the correct, echo
'd data via AJAX to my id="feedBody"
div? What am I missing?
EDIT: Firebug says the following regarding the XHR:
//Response Headers
Status: 200 OK
Connection Keep-Alive
Content-Length 0
Content-Type text/html
Date Thu, 11 Apr 2013 19:54:33 GMT
Keep-Alive timeout=5, max=100
Server Apache
X-Powered-By PHP/5.4.4
//Request Headers
Accept text/html, */*; q=0.01
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate
Accept-Language en-US,en;q=0.5
Cookie __utma=111872281.446718044.1365710024.1365710024.1365710024.1; __utmb=111872281.2.10.1365710024; __utmc=111872281; __utmz=111872281.1365710024.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)
Host localhost:8888
Referer http://localhost:8888/Charcoal-Bootstrap_RSSReader/
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0
X-Requested-With XMLHttpRequest
Params appear to be passing over correctly (just one example):
url http://iphone.keyvisuals.com/feed/
Full index.php: http://pastebin.com/UJiFuBvG
Full RSSFeed.php: http://pastebin.com/CGU2nQHB
Full main.js (handles the AJAX): http://pastebin.com/1pPQuPUx
The answer came when I really pushed the alerts/exceptions to debug it and it seems as though it was not correctly loading the simplepie file, thus causing a fatal error and it to die. Sorry about that! Thank you Brad though