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Alternative to the TimesTen in memory database

I just found "Has anyone published a detailed comparison between different in-memory RDBMSs?" that is related to my question.

TimesTen (see also) is a In-Memory Database from oracle.

It has a lot going for it including.

  • Fast, consistent response time
  • High transaction throughput
  • Standard SQL, no application rewrite
  • Persistent and recoverable
  • High availability and no data loss

However it is priced out of the reach of most people ($41,500.00 / Processor).

So what alternatives are there, and what are there pros and cons.

(I am using .NET if it changes your answer)


  • A popular in-memory database system is McObject's eXtremeDB, see

    There is also a good white paper, offered for download from the home page of McObject's Web site, called, "In-Memory Database Systems: Myths and Facts". It clarifies some questions that arise when discussing the technology, such as, "how is an IMDS different from a 'traditional' database running on a RAM disk?"