I'm developing an Lightswitch app which has some kind of revision control. When a user changes an item and clicks save, instead of updating that row in the database I want a new row with the modified data and the original row reverted back to it's original state. I have managed to make new rows of the ones that got modified with this code:
var changeSet = this.DataWorkspace.dataEntity.Details.GetChanges();
var modified = changeSet.ModifiedEntities.OfType<RuleEntry>();
foreach (RuleEntry re in modified)
//Create a new rule entry
RuleEntry newRuleEntryRevision = this.DataWorkspace.dataEntity.RuleEntries.AddNew();
newRuleEntryRevision.Country1 = re.Country1;
newRuleEntryRevision.Family1 = re.Family1;
newRuleEntryRevision.IP1 = re.IP1;
newRuleEntryRevision.RuleKey = re.RuleKey;
newRuleEntryRevision.RuleStatus = re.RuleStatus;
newRuleEntryRevision.Title = re.Title;
newRuleEntryRevision.Edited = DateTime.Now;
newRuleEntryRevision.IsReal = false;
But after I've done that I want the "re" entity set back to the state it was before, in other words, it should have the values that's in the database.
I know it's possible to set the fields like this:
re.Country1 = Countries.Sweden;
And then just run SaveChanges(), but how do I get the right values from the database?
I did some manual digging and finally found it! The original value can be found like this:
re.Country1 = re.Details.Properties.Country1.OriginalValue;
Look at my first post to see what "re" is.