I got this image and i need to make 9 patch of it (i am using it for textview background).
I need the text to appear text to left of star like this:
I tried this but with no success:
Is this even possible or do i have to use something else than 9 patch?
Your use-case is exactly what 9-patch was invented for, so it should work!
Here are some common errors that might occur while using nine-patches:
You can solve this by either
Providing nine-patches for all densities (ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi) (bold ones are the most common ones) <-- Preferred!
Make your nine-patch for xhpdi and draw a minimum of 2 black pixels. Because when scaling down from xhdpi to mdpi, your image is scaled down with a factor of 2, so if you only draw 1 black pixel in xhdpi, it might be removed when scaling down.
Hope this works for you.