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Can I find out if variable is an array using Template Toolkit?

I'm passing the results of a multi-select box to a page so that the selections can be shown on screen. As it's multi-select, the result can either be a scalar or an array reference. Is there a way of finding this out? I can't find anything online, but I thought there might be a .array or .array_ref token that could be used for validation. I'm using Template Toolkit, Perl and Dancer.

So here is what I've got for a scalar:

<% IF multitext %>
    Text: <% multitext %>
<% END %>

What I want is something like...

<% IF multitext %>
    <% IF multitext.array_ref %> <!-- whatever works! -->
        <% FOREACH text IN multitext %>
            Text: <% text %>
        <% END %>
    <% ELSE %>
        Text: <% multitext %>
    <% END %>
<% END %>


  • If <%- multitext.0 -%> returns a non-zero value, it's an arrayref.

    If <%- multitext.keys.size -%> returns a non-zero value, it's a hashref.

    The way I usually handle it is to force it to be an array if it's a scalar, eg:

    <%- SET items = multitext.0 ? multitext : [ multitext ];
        FOREACH item IN items;
        END; -%>