I've sql query
select * from table1
left join (values (4),(1800),(103500)) AS "filter (id) on table1.id=filter.id
By default Zend_Db_Select table quoted. For example:
$result = '(values (4),(1800),(103500)) AS filter (id)';
$select->joinInner($result, "table1.id = filter.id", '');
SELECT * FROM "table1"
INNER JOIN "(values (4),(1800),(103500)) filter (id)" ON table1.id=filter.id
Me need
SELECT * FROM "table1"
INNER JOIN (values (4),(1800),(103500)) filter (id) ON table1.id=filter.id
How can disable quote table?
This is a little tricky. Look at the code below.
$dbh = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
$select = $dbh->select();
array('filter (id)' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(values (4),(1800),(103500))')),
"table1.id = filter.id",
echo $select->assemble() . PHP_EOL;
This code by default outputs the following statement which is not what we really want because identifier filter (id)
is quoted. Here is the output.
SELECT `table1`.* FROM `table1`
INNER JOIN (values (4),(1800),(103500)) AS `filter (id)` ON table1.id = filter.id
We need to disable autoQuoteIdentifiers
in configuration options. For example:
'db' => array(
'adapter' => 'pdo_mysql',
'isDefaultTableAdapter' => true,
'params' => array(
'host' => '<host>',
'username' => '<user>',
'password' => '<pass>',
'dbname' => '<db>',
'options' => array(
'autoQuoteIdentifiers' => false,
We get the following output
SELECT table1.* FROM table1
INNER JOIN (values (4),(1800),(103500)) AS filter (id) ON table1.id = filter.id
Note that in this case developer is responsible for quoting the identifiers when needed.
I think it's impossible to selectively disable quoting for one of the table alias. Well at least I found this impossible when reviewed 1.x Zend Framework code I have here locally ;)