In lieu of something like the Map data structure that Chris Eppstein mentions as a work in progress for SASS, I'm trying to achieve something similar - mapping a string to a corresponding hex value, which will be used to specify a unicode character for CSS content property. (I'm trying to refactor some font icon SASS code.)
At the moment I have something rudimentary like:
/*icon1 --> \F000
icon2 --> \F001
icon3 --> \F002*/
@function u-char($name) {
@if $name == icon1 {
@return "000";
} @else if $name == icon2 {
@return "001";
} @else if $name == icon3 {
@return "001";
@mixin icon-class($name) {
content: "\f#{u-char($name)}";
But I'm actually trying to map a large number of characters, so this approach is arduous. I was hoping to be able to do something like:
@function u-char($name) {
$i: 0;
$itemList: item1, item2, item3;
@each $currItem in $itemList {
@if $name == item1 {
@return i-to-hex-str($i);
$i: $i + 1;
Is there anything that does and integer to hex string conversion in SASS? Is there another elegant way around this?
I would do this:
$icons: "000", "001", "002";
@function icon($i) {
@return "\F#{nth($icons, 1)}";
h1::before {
content: icon(1);
If you want to associate a word with a value, try using a list of lists and iterating through them. I'm not going to pretend this is very efficient, but it works. It would be nice if Sass had hashes.
$icons: '000' calendar, '001' inbox, '002' home
@function icon($call)
@for $i from 1 through length($icons)
@if $call == nth(nth($icons, $i), 2)
@return "\F#{nth(nth($icons, $i), 1)}"
content: icon(calendar)