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lua code deobfuscation

I've recently downloaded some lua code and what I found inside was some obfuscated string. That made me wonder what sort of obfuscation technique was used there. Does anybody have an idea?

local code='\27\76\117\97\81\0\1\4\4\4\8\0\64\0\0\0\64\67\58\92\85\115\101\114\115\92\65\108\101\120\92\68\101\115\107\116\111\112'

EDIT: Some more (encrypted?) code.



  • Doesn't look encrypted at all. Seems like it's just a sequence of bytes. Each backslash represents a character with its byte code.

    27 is escape, 76 is 'L', 117 is 'u', 97 is 'a' and so on.

    Running it through a short script gives me this string (symbols are special characters, such as escape, start of heading and null): ←LuaQ ☺♦♦ @ @C:\Users\Alex\Desktop

    You can look up the bytes on an ascii table.

    Update: A bit of research told me that LuaQ means that it's a precompiled script or something of the sort. I could be way off though.