I'm a novice in the field of ellipse detection/extraction. But I know this topic has a long history. Although there are tons of papers addressing ellipse detection, I can hardly find any C++ implementations of these advanced algorithms such as Straight Line HT (SLHT), Fast Ellipse Hough Transform (FEHT), and Randomized HT (RHT). I'm curious Why the researchers don't put their code online such that more people can benefit from them? Can anyone kindly tell me where I can find any of the C++ implementations? Thanks.
(PS: I'm familiar with OpenCV. I know OpenCV has few implementations such as fitEllipse and HoughCircle.)
A lot of image processing research is done in Matlab, there are generally implementations available in that language. The reason you don't see any C++ implementations is because they would be much more about the details of implementation (memory management, performance, etc) rather than the actual algorithm; Matlab is much more succinct about this.
If you really want to get to learn about image processing algorithms, you'll probably want to learn to read Matlab code.