I'm looking for the right textfield parameters or work-around for my latest problem here dealing with Flash fonts & text fields.
I have a textFormat and textField generation some text using the Font: Franklin Gothic Book point size 8. Currently this is how the font will look when I run the movie:
(source: flickr.com)
The bottom ®MYLOGO is a jpg from Photoshop, clean and how it should look. Next up is the font directly typed on the stage in Flash, and the very top ®MYLOGO is generated from my code.
What parameters am I missing to make the code generated copy look as close as possible to the Jpeg?
My Code below:
var tsFont = new TextFormat();
tsFont.font = FranklinGothic;
tsFont.size = 8;
tsFont.color = 0xFFFFFF;
tsFont.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
var tsLogo:TextField = new TextField();
tsLogo.defaultTextFormat = tsFont;
tsLogo.selectable = false;
tsLogo.mouseEnabled = false;
tsLogo.x = 18;
tsLogo.y = 98;
tsLogo.width = 64;
tsLogo.height = 16;
tsLogo.text = "®MYLOGO";
You guys may remember this code from my last question X_x
var tsFont = new TextFormat();
tsFont.font = (new FranklinGothic() as Font).fontName;
tsFont.size = 8;
tsFont.color = 0xFFFFFF;
tsFont.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
var tsLogo:TextField = new TextField();
tsLogo.selectable = false;
tsLogo.mouseEnabled = false;
tsLogo.embedFonts = true;
tsLogo.antiAliasType = flash.text.AntiAliasType.NORMAL;
tsLogo.gridFitType = "pixel";
tsLogo.sharpness = 400
tsLogo.x = 6;
tsLogo.y = 5;
tsLogo.width = 600;
tsLogo.height = 40;
tsLogo.text = "®MYLOGO";
Graphic Examples:
Controlling text rendering in Flash is painful sometime...
You need to play around several properties: antiAliasType
, gridFitType
, sharpness
, thickness
of the TextField
. Try Adobe's example. Or a even more detailed tutorial.