got this query:
T.id_empresa, max(periodo) as ultimoPeriodo, (
select sum(monto) from cuotasindical.pagos
where id_empresa = T.id_empresa and periodo = max(T.periodo)
) as ultimoMonto,
min(periodo) as periodoAnterior, (
select sum(monto) from cuotasindical.pagos
where id_empresa = T.id_empresa and periodo = min(T.periodo)
) as anteriorMonto
P1.id_empresa, P1.periodo, sum(monto) as monto
from cuotasindical.pagos P1
where P1.id_empresa in (select id_empresa from cuotasindical.empresa where id_delegacion = 5)
group by P1.id_empresa, P1.periodo
having P1.periodo in (
select * from (
select periodo
from cuotasindical.pagos
where P1.id_empresa = id_empresa order by periodo desc limit 2
) as L
and count(distinct P1.periodo) > 1
) T
group by id_empresa
having (abs(max(monto) - min(monto))*100/
select sum(monto) from cuotasindical.pagos T2
where T2.id_empresa = id_empresa and T2.periodo = max(periodo)
) > 10);
need to compare, for each empresa, the last two pagos (ordered by periodo) to see if they have a difference bigger or smaller than a percentage (in this case, 10)
I'm getting
Error Code: 1054. Unknown column 'P1.id_empresa' in 'where clause'
the only where clause there with that comparison, is the subquery with the limit
having P1.periodo in (
select * from (
select periodo
from cuotasindical.pagos
where P1.id_empresa = id_empresa
order by periodo desc limit 2
) as L
and count(distinct P1.periodo) > 1
the double subquery is for avoid the limit 2 in the IN clause (get that on this link)
why I'm getting that error ? I thought that I can join after the group by in a subquery in having clause (just like a where clause)
or there is an error that I'm missing?
thanks in advance
the problem was that mysql has only one deep level of scope in subquerys.
Also I have the problem of limit on subquery, so, what I do was
..having P1.periodo in
select max(periodo) as periodo
from cuotasindical.pagos H
where P1.id_empresa = id_empresa
) OR
P1.periodo in (
select max(periodo) as periodo
from cuotasindical.pagos H
where P1.id_empresa = id_empresa and periodo != P1.periodo
and count(distinct P1.periodo) > 1