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Context Menus and NavigateTo in Blend / SketchFlow

Hoping this will be a simple one, in Sketchflow i'm trying to wire up a context menu to navigate to another page.

I've created the context menu, added a menu item, right clicked the mneu item in the Objects and Timeline panel and selected navigateto. When i run it, the menu comes up but when i click on the menu item it doesn't do anything.

I previously had the NavigateTo working when left clicking on another object, so the screens / connections are all in place.

This is the xaml that was generated:

 <MenuItem Header="Edit">
   <i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseDown">
    <pb:NavigateToScreenAction TargetScreen="SomeScreen.Screen_3_2"/>


  • This xaml works for the scenario I think you are trying to achieve:

    <Button Content="Button">
                        <MenuItem Header="Next">
                                <i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
                                    <pb:NavigateToScreenAction TargetScreen="WpfPrototype3Screens.Screen_2"/>