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How can I get inner slice when clicking on an outer slice in a HighChart donut chart?

Is it possible to get the parent slice (inner slice) when I click on a child slice (outer slice)?

When you click on 8.0 for MSIE, I get a popup saying 8.0. What I would like to get is the parent slice data, in this case, MSIE. Notice, Chrome also has a version 8.0, so when i click that I should get Chrome.

Is this possible?

My goal is when a user clicks on a version, information for that slice is displayed in a table below the donut chart. When a user clicks on a browser slice, information for all versions of the browser is displayed.

Here is a JSFiddle I setup.

 series: [{
            click: function (event) {
                alert(; // Get access to parent slice here.



  • You should modify drilldown structure and add id for each "interior" serie, and parentID for "outer" serie. Then use get function ( to display "parent" name.

    It is simple example which display name for MSIE, but if you add all parameter for other series, then it will work for each of them.

     point: {
                events: {
                    click: function (event) {
                        var parentSerie = this.options.parentId;