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Display list of elements grouped by year and by month in TYPO3 Fluid

I have a model where one field is a date. I want to display elements from that model, grouped by year and by month, like this:

== 2013 ==
=== April ===
* Element 1
* Element 2
=== March ===
* Element 3
== 2012 ==

What if the best way to achieve that? Should I build a nested array directly in the Controler? Or is there a way to display the year and month headers only using Fluid template? Or should I write a custom ViewHelper to extract and display the year and month headers?


  • Finally, I solved this problem by using a custom ViewHelper, derived from GroupedBy ViewHelper, inspired from, and adapted for extbase.

    Here is the complete code for the ViewHelper, located in MyExt/Classes/ViewHelpers/GropuedForDateTimeViewHelper.php

    namespace vendor\MyExt\ViewHelpers;
    /*                                                                        *
     * This script belongs to the FLOW3 package "Fluid".                      *
     *                                                                        *
     * It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under    *
     * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the *
     * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your *
     * option) any later version.                                             *
     *                                                                        *
     * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     *
     * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN-    *
     * General Public License for more details.                               *
     *                                                                        *
     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public       *
     * License along with the script.                                         *
     * If not, see                      *
     *                                                                        *
     * The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!                         *
     *                                                                        */
     * Grouped loop view helper for Datetime values.
     * Loops through the specified values
     * = Examples =
     * <code title="Simple">
     * // $items = array(
     * //   array('name' => 'apple', 'start' => DateTimeObject[2011-10-13 00:15:00]), 
     * //   array('name' => 'orange', 'start' => DateTimeObject[2011-12-01 00:10:00]),
     * //   array('name' => 'banana', 'start' => DateTimeObject[2008-05-24 00:40:00])
     * // );
     * <a:groupedForDateTime each="{items}" as="itemsByYear" groupBy="start" format="Y" groupKey="year">
     *   {year -> 'Y')}
     *   <f:for each="{itemsByYear}" as="item">
     *     {}
     *   </f:for>
     * </a:groupedForDateTime>
     * </code>
     * Output:
     * 2011
     *   apple
     *   orange
     * 2010
     *   banana
     * @license GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or later
     * @api
    class GroupedForDateTimeViewHelper extends \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractViewHelper {
         * Iterates through elements of $each and renders child nodes
         * @param array $each The array or Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage to iterated over
         * @param string $as The name of the iteration variable
         * @param string $groupBy Group by this property
         * @param string $groupKey The name of the variable to store the current group
         * @param string $format The format for the datetime
         * @param string $dateTimeKey The name of the variable to store the current datetime
         * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\Exception
         * @return string Rendered string
         * @author Bastian Waidelich <[email protected]>
         * @author Thomas Allmer <[email protected]>
         * @api
        public function render($each, $as, $groupBy, $groupKey = 'groupKey', $format = '', $dateTimeKey = 'dateTimeKey') {
            $output = '';
            if ($each === NULL) {
                return '';
            if (is_object($each)) {
                if (!$each instanceof \Traversable) {
                    throw new \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\Exception('GroupedForViewHelper only supports arrays and objects implementing Traversable interface' , 1253108907);
                $each = iterator_to_array($each);
            $groups = $this->groupElements($each, $groupBy, $format);
            foreach ($groups['values'] as $currentGroupIndex => $group) {
                $this->templateVariableContainer->add($groupKey, $groups['keys'][$currentGroupIndex]);
                $this->templateVariableContainer->add($dateTimeKey, $groups['dateTimeKeys'][$currentGroupIndex]);
                $this->templateVariableContainer->add($as, $group);
                $output .= $this->renderChildren();
            return $output;
         * Groups the given array by the specified groupBy property and format for the datetime.
         * @param array $elements The array / traversable object to be grouped
         * @param string $groupBy Group by this property
         * @param string $format The format for the datetime
         * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\Exception
         * @return array The grouped array in the form array('keys' => array('key1' => [key1value], 'key2' => [key2value], ...), 'values' => array('key1' => array([key1value] => [element1]), ...), ...)
         * @author Bastian Waidelich <[email protected]>
        protected function groupElements(array $elements, $groupBy, $format) {
            $groups = array('keys' => array(), 'values' => array());
            foreach ($elements as $key => $value) {
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    $currentGroupIndex = isset($value[$groupBy]) ? $value[$groupBy] : NULL;
                } elseif (is_object($value)) {
                    $currentGroupIndex = \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Reflection\ObjectAccess::getPropertyPath($value, $groupBy);
                } else {
                    throw new \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\Exception('GroupedForViewHelper only supports multi-dimensional arrays and objects' , 1253120365);
                if (strpos($format, '%') !== FALSE) {
                    $formatedDatetime = strftime($format, $currentGroupIndex->format('U'));
                } else {
                    $formatedDatetime = $currentGroupIndex->format($format);
                $groups['dateTimeKeys'][$formatedDatetime] = $currentGroupIndex;
                if (strpos($format, '%') !== FALSE) {
                    $currentGroupIndex = strftime($format, $currentGroupIndex->format('U'));
                } else {
                    $currentGroupIndex = $currentGroupIndex->format($format);
                $currentGroupKeyValue = $currentGroupIndex;
                if (is_object($currentGroupIndex)) {
                    $currentGroupIndex = spl_object_hash($currentGroupIndex);
                $groups['keys'][$currentGroupIndex] = $currentGroupKeyValue;
                $groups['values'][$currentGroupIndex][$key] = $value;
            return $groups;

    And here is an example of a template using it:

    {namespace m=vendor\MyExt\ViewHelpers}
    <f:layout name="Default" />
    <f:section name="main">
        <m:groupedForDateTime each="{myitems}" as="myitemsyear" groupBy="date" format="%Y" groupKey="year" dateTimeKey="yearKey">
            <m:groupedForDateTime each="{myitemsyear}" as="myitemsmonth" groupBy="date" format="%B" groupKey="month" dateTimeKey="monthKey">
                <f:for each="{myitemsmonth}" as="myitem">