I have the following routeProvider configured:
angular.module('myModule').config ['$routeProvider', (provider) ->
.when '',
templateUrl: '/templates/dashboard.html'
.when '/some_path/:some_param',
templateUrl: '/templates/dashboard.html'
And the following in a wrapping statically served template:
I also have a templates/dashboard.html appropriately defined.
When I navigate to the url, the initial page loads, however a #
is not postpended on the URL, which then results in errors when I try to rewrite the URL in a controller with $location.path('fooPath')
Specifically $location.path('fooPath')
, changes the URL to current_dashboard_path/#/
and reloads, while what I was expecting is for the URL to be set to:
, an then location('fooPath')
, to change that to current_dashboard_path/#/fooPath
Some additional context: I want to use this so that I can then use the $location
service to change the url without reloading the page thus
Question is, how can I force Angular to postpend a #
when an ng-view is populated.
I was missing the following line in my routeProvider:
.when '/',
templateUrl: '/templates/dashboard.html'
Additionally, the blank route
.when '',
templateUrl: '/templates/dashboard.html'
Needed to be removed
Then the way to rewrite the URL without reloading the page is the following in the controller:
lastRoute = route.current
scope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', (event)->
route.current = lastRoute