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How to parse Wufoo form webhook hash to get forms labels and values?

I would like to parse a hash which I receive from Wufoo Webhook API. I am doing this for multiple forms so I can't hardcode values like: params['Field5'] because I don't know how many fields I have.

  >> params.class
  => Hash
  >> params
  => {"FieldStructure"=>
         {\"Title\":\"Company Name\",\"Type\":\"text\",\"ID\":\"Field6\"},
 "DateCreated"=>"2013-04-10 07:38:09",

Basically, I would like to create an object from hash above with attributes:

company_name: "testse", email: ""


  • You could:

    1. Scan the FieldStructure string to determine the id for the desired fields.
    2. Then use the ids to find the desired values in the params hash


    params  =  {"FieldStructure"=>
      "{\"Fields\":[{\"Title\":\"Company Name\",\"Instructions\":\"\",\"IsRequired\":\"0\",\"ClassNames\":\"\",\"DefaultVal\":\"\",\"Page\":\"1\",\"Type\":\"text\",\"ID\":\"Field6\"},
      "{\"Name\":\"TestForm\",\"Description\":\"This is my form. Please fill it out. It's awesome!\",\"RedirectMessage\":\"Great! Thanks for filling out my form!\",\"Url\":\"testform\",\"Email\":null,\"IsPublic\":\"1\",\"Language\":\"english\",\"StartDate\":\"2000-01-01 12:00:00\",\"EndDate\":\"2030-01-01 12:00:00\",\"EntryLimit\":\"0\",\"DateCreated\":\"2013-04-09 06:44:12\",\"DateUpdated\":\"2013-04-10 05:25:55\",\"Hash\":\"z7x3p3\"}",
     "DateCreated"=>"2013-04-10 07:38:09",
     fields = params['FieldStructure'].scan(/Title\":\"(.+?)\".+?ID\":\"(.+?)\"/)
     #=> [["Company Name", "Field6"], ["Email", "Field5"]]
     Hash[fields.collect{ |field| 
         field[0].gsub(/\s+/, "_").downcase.to_sym, 
     #=> {:company_name=>"testse", :email=>""}