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inmobi javascript call ad twice

According to inmobi Developer Wiki

You can call the Ads on Demand using manual: true parameter in the Var section:


<script type="text/javascript" src="">

<script type="text/javascript">
  var inmobi_conf = {
    siteid : "your site id",
    slot : "slot number",
    test: true,
    manual: true

<div id="adArea"> </div>

To generate the Ad you have to call it using:


it should populate the Ad.

I´ve created a simple test example to request an Ad on demand (using test siteid provided by inmobi).

The problem is that I have to click twice to load the Ad

Full Source:

     var inmobi_conf = {
       siteid : "4028cba631d63df10131e1d3191d00cb",
       slot : "15",
       test: true,
       manual: true

     function loadAdd(){
   <script src=""></script>        
      <div id="screen"> </div>
        <button id="btn1" onClick="loadAdd()">Load Ad</button>

You can try it out on

1st click on "Load Ad" button (no Ad)

2nd click on "Load Ab" button (the Ad will be loaded)

By chance do you know the reasons for this behavior? am I missing something?


  • You have set manual: true

    you need to set it to manual: false for it to automatically set the configuration for you.

    When you set manual: true, your first click is loading the configurations

    Checkout the fiddle