If you look at the original Wordnet search and select "Display options: Show Lexical File Info", you'll see an extremely useful classification of words called lexical file. Eg for "filling" we have:
<noun.substance>S: (n) filling, fill (any material that fills a space or container)
<noun.process>S: (n) filling (flow into something (as a container))
<noun.food>S: (n) filling (a food mixture used to fill pastry or sandwiches etc.)
<noun.artifact>S: (n) woof, weft, filling, pick (the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving)
<noun.artifact>S: (n) filling ((dentistry) a dental appliance consisting of ...)
<noun.act>S: (n) filling (the act of filling something)
The first thing in brackets is the "lexical file". Unfortunately I have not been able to find a SPARQL endpoint that provides this info
The latest RDF translation of Wordnet 3.0 points to two things:
Talis SPARQL endpoint. Use eg this query to check there's no such info:
DESCRIBE <http://purl.org/vocabularies/princeton/wn30/synset-chair-noun-1>
W3C's mapping description. Appendix D "Conversion details" describes something useful: wn:classifiedByTopic
But it's not the same as lexical file, and is quite incomplete. Eg "chair" has nothing, while one of the senses of "completion" is in the topic "American Football"
DESCRIBE <http://purl.org/vocabularies/princeton/wn30/synset-completion-noun-1>
<j.1:classifiedByTopic rdf:resource="http://purl.org/vocabularies/princeton/wn30/synset-American_football-noun-1"/>
The question: is there a public Wordnet query API, or a database, that provides the lexical file information?
It can be done through MIT JWI (MIT Java Wordnet Interface) a Java API to query Wordnet. There's a topic in this link showing how to implement a java class to access lexicographic