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How to find the "lexical file" in Wordnet?

If you look at the original Wordnet search and select "Display options: Show Lexical File Info", you'll see an extremely useful classification of words called lexical file. Eg for "filling" we have:

   <noun.substance>S: (n) filling, fill (any material that fills a space or container)
   <noun.process>S: (n) filling (flow into something (as a container))
   <>S: (n) filling (a food mixture used to fill pastry or sandwiches etc.)
   <noun.artifact>S: (n) woof, weft, filling, pick (the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving)
   <noun.artifact>S: (n) filling ((dentistry) a dental appliance consisting of ...)
   <noun.act>S: (n) filling (the act of filling something) 

The first thing in brackets is the "lexical file". Unfortunately I have not been able to find a SPARQL endpoint that provides this info

  • The latest RDF translation of Wordnet 3.0 points to two things:

  • Talis SPARQL endpoint. Use eg this query to check there's no such info:


  • W3C's mapping description. Appendix D "Conversion details" describes something useful: wn:classifiedByTopic. But it's not the same as lexical file, and is quite incomplete. Eg "chair" has nothing, while one of the senses of "completion" is in the topic "American Football"

    DESCRIBE <> ->

    <j.1:classifiedByTopic rdf:resource=""/>

The question: is there a public Wordnet query API, or a database, that provides the lexical file information?


  • It can be done through MIT JWI (MIT Java Wordnet Interface) a Java API to query Wordnet. There's a topic in this link showing how to implement a java class to access lexicographic