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Size of java.awt.Color object

I have a program in which I am using an ObjectStream over sockets. Code for the class Im sending looks like the following.

class Snake{
Point[] p = new Point[50];
Direction move;
public int length;
int score;
String player;
Color snakecolor;
boolean gameover;
//Other Functions go here//    

This Class is sent repeatedly over the socket. However its showing a bit of lag. Would it make that much of a difference if instead of sending the Color object I send an RGB code(integer values)? How could I possibly make my program lag free?


  • From the documentation, the following fields of Color are serialized:

    int value
    float[] frgbvalue
    float[] fvalue
    float falpha
    ColorSpace cs

    ColorSpace has the following serialized fields:

    int type
    int numComponents

    frgbValue and fvalue contain 3 elements, so the total size is 40 bytes. Just sending RGB would be 12 bytes. I don't think that's gonna solve your lag.