The rubymotion docs say:
options (Hash) — A dictionary of options. For keys, see “Options Keys.”
But where? See where?
There are keys in original ios docs, but what is the rubymotion analogue?
The keys will be the same as from the iOS docs you reference
Location of the spine.
For possible values, see “Spine Locations.” A spine location is only valid if the transition style isUIPageViewControllerTransitionStylePageCurl
If the transition style isUIPageViewControllerTransitionStylePageCurl
, the default value for this property isUIPageViewControllerSpineLocationMin
otherwise, the default is UIPageViewControllerSpineLocationNone.
Space between pages, in points. The value should be a CGFloat wrapped in an instance of NSNumber. The default value is zero. An inter-page spacing is only valid if the transition style isUIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll
If your question was regarding the docs that's probably an issue to be raised with the maintainers as other constants have pages e.g. UIInterfaceOrientation