This will hopefully be my last question for a while and with what i have gained from yourselves will help me really get on with this project! So... i currently have variosu combo boxes and text boxes being put into a list of strings on FORM2, all blanks ignored then output into list boxes on FORM3. this is my final piece.. combobox 1 will be populated with say "Premium", then textbox 1 will have 4 values "400,500,600,700" then combo box2 with "Cover" and textbox2 "TPO,TPFT,COMP"
i want it to look as follows any ---- are just for spacing out as it appears to ignore the spacebar
Listbox1 --- | --- ListBox2
Premium ------------ 400
etc etc.
what i am getting is
Listbox1 --- | --- ListBox2
Premium ------------ 400
there is no relation between the fields and i haven't a clue how to best describe or look-up how to do this, make it output combo box one, then textbox1 split into lines into a second box. then under these the next combo box etc. so i guess combobox + ((Textbox 1 lines -1 value) as blank lines) if i could put pictures up this would be so much easier! darnnn youu reputation!!!!
At last i can have pictures!!!!!
As you can hopefully see, form 1 is irrelevant at the momemnt (will have no impact on the GUI for form2/3)
but you pick various fields in form 2 and they ar mapped to form3
ATM some of the data is being mapped in a strange order. and there is no formatting between list 1 and 2
Find below a early concept of Form2 and Form3
This is what i am trying to do, the data is lay out in a readable format (and behind the scenes ran through various DROOLS that will morph the data and print the results of this).
The problem is that you are using the wrong control for the job. You need a control that can display multiple columns of data for each item in a list. The ListBox
control is not well-suited for that, since it is designed for just showing a single column.
Assuming this is a WinForm project, and not WPF, I would recommend using either a DataGridView
control, or a ListView
control. Either of those controls can show multiple columns, although, the ListView
control only shows multiple columns with its View
property is set to Details
. Since I'm partial to the ListView
control, myself, I'll give you an example using that one :)
First, add a ListView
control to your form. Then, set the View
property of the control, in the designer, to Details
. Then click the button to edit the Columns
property of the control. Add two columns. Then, use code like this to populate the list:
Dim item As ListViewItem = ListView1.Items.Add("Premium")
item = ListView1.Items.Add("")
item = ListView1.Items.Add("")
item = ListView1.Items.Add("")
item = ListView1.Items.Add("Cover")
item = ListView1.Items.Add("")
If, as seems to be the case, the text for the first column is stored in a combo box, then the text for the second column are stored in a comma-delimited text box, then you could do something like this:
For Each cbo As ComboBox In MyComboBoxes
Dim first As Boolean = True
For Each value As String In GetTextBoxForComboBox(cbo).Text.Split(",")
Dim item As ListViewItem = Nothing
If first Then
item = ListView1.Items.Add(cbo.Text)
item = ListView1.Items.Add("")
End If
first = False
Of course, rather than having a method like GetTextBoxForComboBox
, it would be better to have have a class that stores the pairing of controls, like this:
Private Class ControlPair
Public Property Cbo As ComboBox
Public Property Txt As TextBox
End Class
Then, you could just loop through them like this:
For Each pair As ControlPair In MyPairs
' ...
For Each value As String In pair.Txt.Text.Split(",")
' ...
' ...
For Each
is a convenient syntax for iterating through all of the items in an IEnumerable
object (basically any list such as an Array
or a List(Of T)
). So, in this case, the MyPairs
would need to be a list of ControlPair
objects, for instance:
Dim MyPairs As New List(Of ControlPair)()
Dim pair1 As New ControlPair()
pair1.Cbo = ComboBox1
pair1.Txt = TextBox1
Dim pair2 As New ControlPair()
pair2.Cbo = ComboBox2
pair2.Txt = TextBox2
Or, if you don't want to make your own class, you could just use Tuple(Of ComboBox, TextBox)
Actually, after seeing your screenshots, it looks like the TreeView
control may actually be more appropriate. You could have each combo box value show as a root-level node, and then inside each root-level node would be a child-node for each of the delimited values in the text box, like this: