As mentioned in the documentation, I have created a CustomTemplatesPlugin which extends TemplatesPlugin and implemented the getLoginPage function
public Html getLoginPage(Request arg0,
Form> arg1, Option arg2) {
//" In getLoginPage");
return views.Registration.html.login(arg1,arg2);
I have created a folder called Registration under views and then copied the login.scala.html file from securesocial into that folder.
when I tried to access localhost:9000/login, I received a not found: value requestheader error, so I modified the first line in login.scala.html to
> errorMsg: Option[String] = None)(implicit request:
> play.api.mvc.RequestHeader)
After that I tried again in the browser. The following error is being listed now.
not found: value provider
In E:\playtest\ss\app\views\Registration\login.scala.html at line 40.
39 @for(p <- externalProviders) {
40 @provider(
Please let me know the steps to be done before attempting to customize the views. The default template flow works fine with no problems, I am using play 2.1.0
The default template uses a provider.scala.html file. Copy that to your app as well and @provider will work.