I have a slider defined in this way:
$( "#myslider").slider({
range: true,
min: min_val,
max: max_val,
values: [ min_val, max_val ],
slide: function(event, ui){
Where min_val
and max_val
can change.
Now let's say that in the function associated with the slide event I want to check if the current min and max values are different from the initial ones.
I know I can access the current values with ui.values
and I can get the initial min and max with the following code:
var inital_min = $( "#myslider").slider("option", "min");
var inital_max = $( "#myslider").slider("option", "max");
but this looks dumb to me, because I already have the ui
object from the callback.
I tried to navigate the object with firebug but I could not locate what I'm looking for.
So, is there any other way to get these values?
You could just use this to access it. I put it fiddle for you.
var i_max = $(this).slider('option', 'max');
var i_min = $(this).slider('option', 'min');
Unfortunately no local object will have it according to the official references. http://api.jqueryui.com/slider/#event-slide