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Re: Publishing your Iphone app to Cydia?

My Iphone Game crashes on Launch

I have created my application on Xcode and then I made my DEBIAN directory and my control file inside of that directory it then successfully made my .deb file because I used the following command in the console dpkg -b "(my apps name)". now once I have the .deb file I uploaded it to my Repo. The app then successfully installs from the Repo however once installed no matter how many times I respring or Re-boot my device the app crashes on launch.

Does anyone have any ideas why it isn't working?


  • Before you package up your application into a deb you need to codesign the binary with ldid

    Make sure you sign the binary

    For example

    ldid -S myappfolder/myapp

    Also make sure the correct permissions are set.

     chmod 0755 myappfolder/myapp
     chown 0:0 myappfolder/myapp